COVID-19 Update #2

Please continue to maintain social distancing and frequent 20 second hand washing, particularly after returning from outings. Realize that when social distancing is modified, the cases would be expected to climb, especially in Oregon where we socially distanced early. Maintaining good ventilation of living spaces is also important, but rarely discussed.

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M Prull
COVID-19 Medical Update

The scope and reach of the COVID-19 virus pandemic is unprecedented in modern times.  As I wrote two weeks ago, we are learning as we go along.  I did want to provide you with additional information as the virus begins to be more prevalent in Portland.

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M Prull
COVID-19 Letter

As a service to you, I have been researching scientific theories of why this virus has such a high fatality rate.  There are denominator reasons (ie the United States was ill prepared for an outbreak of this type, testing has only been done on a small number of potentially infected persons, etc.), but there are also numerator reasons.  That is the science I will discuss in this letter.  I must emphasize that this is a theory and is sent to you as a postulate rather than scientific fact...yet, pandemics require out of the box thinking and action.

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M Prull